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Imran Khan chastises bureaucracy for allegedly serving only Sharif's agenda

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Saturday chastised the bureaucracy alleging they had been serving only the Sharif family’s agenda.

In his press conference, which he announced on Twitter a day earlier, to expose the nexus between the protesting bureaucrats and the Sharif family who Khan says were ‘petrified’ of what Ahad Cheema may say to save himself.


Talking about the protests and banners on the streets Imran Khan likened Ahad Cheema to Nelson Mandela. He added the Cheema was Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s front-man and was looking after projects worth billions of rupees.

There are corruption cases worth Rs14 billion on Cheema in just one project, Imran told journalists at his Bani Gala residence.

He claimed that former DG NAB Qamar Zaman Chaudhry was used to save the Sharif family in the Hudaybia Paper Mills case.

They made Saeed Ahmed the president of the State Bank of Pakistan.

Imran added that the apex court has stated the all institutions are being controlled.

“These people who are sitting on top, all their dirty work is done by the bureaucrats at the bottom,” Imran said.

Khan named multiple bureaucrats identifying them to be working for the Sharif family. He added, “Bureaucrats are supposed to work for the country, not for the Sharif family.”

Hitting at Shehbaz Sharif’s fashion choices, Khan said the Punjab chief minister even wore hats like those worn by Dons.

“In nine years Shehbaz Sharif spent Rs9 trillion,” Imran told journalists claiming all the money was spent through Sharif family’s children and the bureaucrats.

He claimed that the SECP was involved in a cover-up when China was investigating its own company for raking in irregular profits.

from GEO TV - Sports


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